Video Production

QUEST Center Welcome Video

Project information


ur engagement with the Pasadena City College QUEST Center was a pivotal undertaking, as it involved the creation of the official welcome video for the center. This video served a multifaceted purpose, primarily aimed at extending a warm welcome to the student population, while also offering essential information about the resources available and providing an immersive showcase of the center’s physical space.

The video was designed with the dual objectives of being informative and inspiring. As the primary point of entry for students seeking support and community within the QUEST Center, it was paramount that the video not only introduced the facility but also conveyed its mission and the wealth of resources it offered. It was carefully crafted to foster a sense of inclusivity and belonging, encouraging students to explore and utilize the center’s offerings.

Furthermore, the video served as a visual tour of the center’s physical space. Through dynamic visuals and engaging storytelling, it transported viewers into the heart of the QUEST Center, allowing them to virtually experience the welcoming atmosphere, diverse community, and the array of services available. By blending information and immersion, the video embodied our commitment to creating content that informs and inspires, while also strengthening the connection between the center and its student population. It is a reflection of our dedication to utilizing the power of visual storytelling to convey meaningful messages and build a sense of community and support within educational institutions.

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