Video Production

Playa District Dental Patient Highlight

Project information


ur collaboration with this client centered around the creation of a compelling highlight video that offered viewers an insightful glimpse into the day-to-day operations of their dental office. Specifically, the video focused on showcasing one of their talented dental technicians working closely with a patient. Building on the distinctive “sneaker” theme that had become a unique hallmark of the dental office’s visual identity, we made a deliberate effort to incorporate the footwear choices of both the staff and the patient as prominent elements within the video.

The video, while primarily intended to inform and educate, was also an opportunity to further align the client’s brand with the trendy and style-conscious image epitomized by the sneaker culture. By featuring the footwear of the dental techs and the patient, the video not only conveyed the professionalism and expertise of the staff but also added a relatable and personal touch to the patient experience. This strategic fusion of style and substance allowed us to create content that resonated with the client’s target audience, fostering a sense of connection and engagement. Overall, this project exemplified our commitment to tailoring content to capture the client’s unique brand identity, thereby ensuring that their online presence effectively conveys their values and resonates with their clientele.

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